News Bites

10% off all Oral Health Procedures performed at our clinic from January 1, 2022, to March 31, 2022.

News Bites for January 2022

New Happenings

We are so pleased to introduce you to our newest Veterinarian, Dr. Val Schuster.

Dr. Schuster is originally from central Wisconsin. She obtained a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Exercise Science from the University of Cincinnati in 2012 and received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Wisconsin in 2017. She has a special interest in nutrition, dentistry, preventative wellness, and client education. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, skiing, camping, boating, and spending time with her family. Her best friend is Elsa, a beautiful golden retriever. 

Congratulations to Dr. Smith

We are so proud to announce that Dr. Dale Smith, the leader of our clinic, was selected as the Veterinarian of the year by the Utah Veterinary Medical Association. He was nominated by his peers and fellow UVMA members, and his work and service were reviewed by a selection committee. The UVMA chooses the Veterinarian of the Year because of their exceptional service within the association and the community. Congratulations to Dr. Smith from all of us that respect and appreciate all that he does. 

Common Toxins for Pets   

Every year, the ASPCA compiles a list of the top toxins commonly reported that year. 

  1. Over the counter medications is one of the top toxins reported to all Poison Control Centers. Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, cold and flu medication, vitamins and supplements and joint rubs fall into this category.
  2. Human Prescription Medications including antidepressant, anticonvulsant and cardiac medications are the next most common. Adderall and topical ointments are also included. Please keep all purses out of the reach of your pets if they have medication in them.
  3. Human food is responsible for a large number of reported animal poisonings. Grapes, raisins, xylitol, onions, and garlic can all harm your pet.
  4. Chocolate comes in at number four. Dogs seem to love chocolate. Usually, exposure only causes some vomiting and diarrhea, but if they ingest enough, especially dark chocolate, they could have serious, even fatal consequences. 
  5. Bouquets and plants, both indoor and outdoor can be a threat to your pet. Plants such as Easter lilies, Aloe vera, Amaryllis, and Iris plants can be toxic to both dogs and cats. 
  6. Household toxicants like cleaning, beauty and home repair products are the next on the list. Due to Covid, many people staying at home took to home improvement projects using paint, adhesives, and cleaners. These should all be kept away from your pet, and your pet should be kept away from painted and cleaned surfaces until they have dried. 
  7. Rodenticides are common especially in the winter months when rodents like mice and rats, come looking for warmth. It is supposed to taste good so the rodents will eat them, and dogs and cats seem to like them too. Pets can develop kidney failure, bleeding, seizures or even death if the toxin is ingested. 
  8. Veterinary products such as tasty chewable medication, attract pets, so they have been known to open the container and consume the entire bottle. This includes heartworm prevention, and carprofen.
  9. Insecticides like ant baits, and bug sprays can be enticing to pets just like it is to bugs. There are pet-safe alternatives that can be used. 
  10. Garden products such as fertilizers can be toxic to pets when they ingest it or lick their feet after walking on it. When fertilizing your lawn, allow 3 waterings to occur before allowing your pets on the lawn.

These lists certainly do not include all of the items included in the group. Please visit the ASPCA website to see a much more inclusive list.

The ASPCA also has an Animal Poison Contol Center phone number for emergency animal poisonings. (888)426-4435.

Dental Disease

Please remember that dental disease is the number one disease in small animals. To ensure that your pet’s dental disease does not cause heart or kidney disease, or cause tooth loss, please call and make an appointment so that we can determine if your pet needs a professional cleaning. 

Jack is teething right now, but his teeth get brushed every day to help prevent dental disease. 

Please visit the Veterinary Oral Health Council website to see what dental products have been proven to help your pets’ teeth.